My Vision

That Hume becomes a go to destination to live, work and play. I want the people of Hume City to be well housed, engaged in employment (where possible) and well educated. I want our residents to continue to enjoy our open space and recreational facilities but also have the options and opportunities that people in other parts of Melbourne enjoy.

Affordable housing and youth crisis accommodation 

There is a shortage of housing for workers with a disability (or what I call a differability) who live locally. The last piece in the Seabrook Reserve masterplan is the fulfillment of housing provision. 

I have been advocating for youth crisis accommodation since 2016. Council is now investigating land for this purpose and we will be working with key stakeholders to make this dream a reality.

Dallas – New community centre & Merlynston Creek Crossing

Dallas needs a multi-purpose community centre to meet that community’s growing needs and the demand for a place to come together and hold activities. I am advocating strongly for this.

I have been advocating strongly for Dallas Drive to be connected to Maygar Boulevard to stop road congestion on Blair Street. We need state and federal funding for this.

Broadmeadows Hume Central – Hotel & Town Square

We have been working on a project to transform the land around the Broadmeadows Town Hall, Global Learning Centre, Council Offices, into a vibrant and active town centre for people to visit, work, learn and connect. One of the big ideas for Hume Central is a hotel with quality accommodation. The hotel, which would be located on the corner of Tanderrum Way, would also include features like a restaurant, office space and possibly some retail. The Town Square would be located within the existing car park between the Hume City Council and Town Hall Broadmeadows buildings.

It would be a new community gathering place in the heart of Broadmeadows envisaging a large screen, shade, seating and opportunities for public art and events. This would become reinvigorated community space to accommodate current and future needs incorporating learning and community use spaces.

Guiding Priciples


The council is accountable to residents and ratepayers for the money collected on their behalf. As a council, we must continue to spend ratepayers’ money wisely, with a strong focus on delivering value-for-money services across our city.

Community Safety

I will continue to advocate for changes to the built environment and the activation of social spaces. I am a keen supporter of Councils festivals and events programs which are important in maintaining social harmony in a diverse municipality with many faiths, languages and cultures. I will continue the dialogue with other stakeholders such as family violence responders, community services and law enforcement agencies and our residents to improve community cohesiveness and safety.

Getting Things Done

Community centre at Valley Park Westmeadows

I have been advocating for this centre since I was first elected to Council in 2016 and there have been times when I wondered if we would ever see the centre built.

The Department of Health and Human Services reneged on their promise to Hume City Council to build a centre at Valley Park Westmeadows and I advocated strongly for this decision to be reversed.

There was a lot of meetings, letters to the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing, the local member and minister, speeches in the chamber and conversations with residents. But we got there!

One million dollars of funding was obtained from the state government via the Growing Suburbs fund and construction commenced in August 2023. In June 2024 this $3.48 million dollar project was completed in record time.

It will be a great asset from which to deliver services to the local community such as Maternal and Child Health consultations.

There is also a kitchen where residents can drop in and chat with neighbours and form new connections.

The community meeting rooms are a welcoming gathering space where small events can be held.

Onsite assistance are school hours-9am to 3.30pm Monday to Friday.

Please call 9356 6870 to take a tour or email

I am really looking forward to visiting the centre again and seeing people enjoying this new facility.

Seabrook Reserve Broadmeadows

For too long Seabrook Reserve was neglected and a place for after-hours illicit activity. To transform this site, my fellow councillors and I worked together with the state government, the NRL and Rugby League Victoria, Touch Football Victoria and Melbourne Storm to transform it to provide;

  • State Rugby League and Community Centre (pavilion) with female-friendly amenities
  • upgraded sporting facilities including Rugby League pitches and Touch Football fields, supporting local Hume club Northern Thunder
  • a new playground
  • picnic furniture and facilities
  • public toilets
  • outdoor exercise equipment
  • improved path connections, a new pedestrian bridge and circuit shared path
  • new lighting, parking and local road access to improve accessibility

Jack Roper Reserve Amenity

Jack Roper Reserve in Broadmeadows is one of Hume’s most popular parks. New accessible public toilets on the east side on Camp Road opened in 2024.

The soccer field behind the Greek Club of Broadmeadows now has lighting and bookable change room facilities for group casual bookings.


Gibb Reserve Masterplan

Gibb Reserve will receive a face lift with pavilion, soccer pitch and community rooms upgrade.

Jacana Bike Park and pavillon

A new bike park is planned for Johnstone Street, Jacana. The Jacana Reserve pavilion is underutilised and could be used through the day for more community events and classes.